Is 24/7 prayer & worship a reasonable goal?

Think about it… The Moravians in Herrnhut sustained a corporate 24/7 prayer watch that lasted over 100 years in the 1700s with only 48 volunteers (two per hour) from a town of 300-400.

Almost every town in America has more than four hundred Christians in it. Most cities have a single church with over four hundred members. 24/7 prayer is not far-fetched. It’s doable in your region. America has the manpower and resources to host 24/7 prayer & worship in five thousand cities, if the Church really wanted it.

We just don’t have a vision for it. We don’t have an understanding of the power of prayer and worship. And most of all, we are lacking the knowledge of God. We need revelation. We need revival.

The Moravians launched 24/7 prayer because they encountered Jesus through an outpouring of God’s Spirit while at the communion table. They were struck (thanks in part, to Zinzendorf’s preaching and discipleship) with a revelation of the beauty of the Lamb of God.

On earth as in heaven, they saw Him as worthy. Worthy of perpetual praise and intercession. Worthy of the souls of the nations. So they prayed, they sang and they went. Because they had seen Jesus.