The Ultimate Solution

The ultimate solution to any corruption within a system or structure (government, economy, church, business) is to correct the character of the people that make up the structure. While it is true that broken systems hinder people from making good decisions, it is also true that the best systematic improvements will only be temporary if there are bad people in the system.

This is why the world needs Jesus, and why the Church’s first missional priority should be the reconciliation of people to God in Christ. All Christian expressions of mercy to the poor and justice for the oppressed and societal transformation are only temporary if they don’t include the healing of human hearts by bringing people into right relationship with God through Jesus. It’s important that we Christians don’t get distracted or swept into the worldly way of pursuing peace and justice on the earth. Believers have the key – Jesus!

Every attempted government or economic system has inevitably suffered corruption – capitalism, socialism, anarchy, monarchy, democracy, oligarchy. (Side note: it’s worth pursuing the systems that seem to be work best. And I’m not saying they are all equal.) Yet despite the challenges of humanity’s attempts to self-govern the world, the kingdom of God is working its way like leaven throughout the “dough” of the nations. The advancement of God’s will on the earth is a grassroots movement. It comes first into human hearts. And as people, transformed by Jesus and filled with His Spirit, influence the earth, then the will and wisdom of God begins to manifest in the systems and structures of the world. I’m not talking about dominionism or trying to establish “christian nations.” I’m talking about individuals being transformed by God and living their lives in a “kingdom way” that inevitably influences the world around them.

Therefore, we should be wary of giving undue condemnation or credit to man-made systems as the primary problems or solutions. Let’s get real… Trump is not the messiah or the antichrist. Government policies won’t cure racism or greed or laziness or materialism or pride or violence or fear. Self- help humanism dressed in evangelical language won’t set us free. Hurt people will continue to hurt people. Human hearts and souls encountering the good news of the Gospel and the transforming presence of God is what is needed!