Six Vital Books on the Prayer Movement

Six Vital Books on the Prayer Movement

Note: This is part 8 of a series of articles on the Prayer Movement

This is the final installment in the Prayer Movement blog series. Believe it or not, even after seven articles, I have just begun to scratch the surface in understanding all God is doing when it comes to the global prayer movement. Thankfully, in recent decades, some amazing books have been written on this topic.

For those want to learn more and go deeper, I have provided this list of six vital books on the prayer movement. I highly recommend all of them.

Unceasing by Billy Humphrey

With the subtitle “An Introduction to Night and Day Prayer”, you can see why Unceasing is a fantastic resource for anyone wanting to dip their toes in the water of all God is doing on the earth with extravagant expressions of worship & prayer. Billy is the founder and director of IHOP-Atlanta, which has been hosting 24/7 prayer with live worship since 2006! This book works best to give an overview of the biblical & historical perspective on day & night prayer.

Intercessory Worship by Dick Eastman

Intercessory Worship is written by Dick Eastman, who is the founder of Every Home for Christ, a global door-to-door missions & evangelism organization. So this book provides a particularly useful perspective on why worship  is the fuel and goal of missions, and how prayer is vital in seeing the Gospel bear fruit in the nations. The book provides a lot of amazing stories and testimonies from Dick’s own journey into worship & prayer.

Growing in Prayer by Mike Bickle

Mike Bickle is the founder of IHOP-KC, which has been hosting 24-7 prayer with worship since 1999. Mike has cultivated a deep life of prayer, and he is considered by many to be a father in the global prayer movement, especially in the United States. Growing in Prayer is Bickle’s ultimate prayer handbook. Not only does it provide training for personal prayer, but it includes Mike’s biblical teaching and perspective on the broader prayer movement as well.

Fire & Fragrance by Sean Feucht & Andy Byrd

Sean Feucht is the founder of Burn 24-7, a global network of about 200 worship & prayer furnaces, who are hosting extended sessions of citywide worship & prayer in dozens of nations. Andy Byrd is one of the key leaders of the YWAM missions movement. Like Intercessory Worship, Fire & Fragrance touches on the convergence of worship, prayer and missions. It is full of wild stories and clear language to articulate what is happening in the nations of the earth when the great commandment meets the great commission.

Red Moon Rising by Pete Greig

This was perhaps the first book that was really written on the modern-day prayer movement. Pete Greig is the “accidental founder” of 24-7 prayer, which launched when a youth group hosted a week of 24-7 prayer in the UK in 1999. It has now expanded to where thousands of prayer rooms have been started around the world. Red Moon Rising is the inspiring story of 24-7 Prayer’s early years. It is also full of wild stories and biblical wisdom.

Enthroned by David Fritch

I wrote a full book review when this was released last year, but I had to include this in the list. Enthroned is the best book on the tabernacle of David written in our generation. The perspective of David’s tabernacle is a vital part of understanding what God is doing with worship and prayer right now (see here here here). Enthroned is a must-have for those who want to go deeper in understanding the biblical basis for day & night prayer.